Instructions for Making Pork Ear Rolls

Por ear rolls


  • 50 gr rice paper
  • 500 gr pig ears
  • 200 gr fresh vermicelli
  • Lemongrass, ginger, red onion, cilantro, lemon for juice
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 carrot
  • Vegetables served
  • Ready-to-drink seasoning
  • Seasoning: Vinegar, salt,…


Step 1:

You prepare the ingredients such as: Lemongrass you wash, smash, cut into pieces. Peel the ginger, wash it and cut it into thin slices. Red onion peeled, washed, smashed. Cucumbers and carrots are washed, peeled and sliced lengthwise.

Pineapple peeled, eyes removed, washed, halved and sliced thin.

The accompanying vegetables are picked up, removed the deep, damaged leaves, washed, or soaked in dilute salt water for about 10 minutes, then washed again, and drained.

Step 2:

Pig ears, you use a razor to scrape off the dirt, wash it with water, then use a mixture of lemon juice and salt to thoroughly massage the pig’s ears, rinse again to clean. Boil the pig ears with ginger, red onion, lemongrass, 1/2 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoons vinegar and eat for about 15-20 minutes.

Step 3:

After the pig’s ears are cooked, take them out and immediately soak them in a bowl of ice water for 10-15 minutes to make them crispy and chewier. Then, take out the pig’s ears, cut into thin slices to eat.

When making spring rolls, you add ingredients such as: accompanying vegetables, cucumber, pineapple, carrots, some fresh vermicelli, pork ears, … (or add lobe rolls according to your preference) and then roll lightly. Be gentle so that your hands and ears are round and beautiful.

Finished Product

Goi cuon is a dish originating from the South. Southerners consider eating spring rolls as a snack, this rustic dish is not strange to any Southerners. Because the method is simple but still ensures full nutrition.